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Thursday, December 03, 2009 11:22 PM



officially a yr older... lol...

supposed to abandon this blog already but i got no time to make a new one yet so this might as well be the last post too...

can see more pictures of myself and the latest 'fashion' and i clinched that 'offer' successfully... all in my new blog...


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LEONG YEE, whos on the same day with me, but he's 2 yrs older...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CHONG, whos on 4th dec, which is tml...

and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YU FEN, whos on the 6th, i bet u r having pre- and post-celebrations right now and thereafter... lol...

and TA-DAH~!

Byeee :D

Sunday, November 08, 2009 11:49 PM

seriously, nt i dun wan to blog, but bcoz i gt nth to blog.

wads so gd to blog about work everyday, when u have nth except work.

i have received complaints, i have heard rumors, i have seen the fact that some group (of friends) or treat laikuan (me!) as invisible now.

coz laikuan nv joins them for dinner for outing and whatsoever.

why not come and put urself in my shoes?

why not face the bosses and seniors that im facing now, who are practically pressurizing u everyday single to OT and OT? monday to friday, nt enuff, saturday and sunday also must come back.

why not face the schooling pressure i have now? i had to be late for at least 15 to 30 mins for lessons, at least 3 assignments and a exam for every modules i take?

why not face the family finance pressure i had been having? the family wasnt rich, and out of the little pay i got, i still had to give at least 20% of my pay to them as household money.

why not face the relationship problems i have? BB and i were on hard rocks last week, nobody cares and even know it happen.

and so on, why do i have to face u lot who just happy-go-lucky everyday, and spend ur parents' hard-earned money in high class cafes or branded clothes and bags???!!!

some told me 'treasure those friends who have been there for u since ages.'

put it in a way, what are friends again?

define sincerity.
there is none.
define helpfulness.
there is none too.
define honesty.
worst of all, its practically empty.

instead i seen ppl change.
some change for better some change for worst.

for me, i opt for a direction which is best for myself.
i do not wan to live up to the expectations of others, i seek my lifelong education and career as my death wish.

well for some, are still living ur day, day by day.

sarcastically, i read sher's blog a day about her woes with her friends too, where her friends sort of accuse sher of making use of them to do things etc for sher.

i tagged her :'dun worry gal, true frens will offer their help to u automatically.'

and now it strucks me.
i had none!

dammit, ya, dammit.

so again, there is this idiot here who say to me, u so long nv join them (us).

to u, idiot, u also.


to many, i might look strong and healthy and straighforward.

but rmb, u ask my opinions first before i am being straightforward.
rmb, i can just suddenly have a high temperature on my forehead with no warning.

and strong?
yea, someone commented that im strong too.

this is a mindset u need to give urself.

and who the hell would noe that when i faced problems in work, all i could do is go to the toilet cubicle, sat in there for minutes, gave myself few tight slaps before going back to work?

this is really the limit.

i have often able to see thrgh ppl's real faces.
and when i pointed it out, most of them denied right away, and is real scared of me, that they shuns me away, or even call me names like hypocrites or betrayer or realist.

i just seen that the lot is still childish or have nt waken up from their dreams yet.
those beautiful dreams.

but i have already woke up, and is living right now in this world of nightmares and pollution.

do i need frens now? alot alot of them?


like i say to sher, true frens, is wad we need.

and there is only one that i need, and have, is you.

a true fren.

i will be closing this blog and opening another, but i doubt i need to give the link to anyone, bcoz nobody wans to link me anyway, lol~!

Byeee :D

Sunday, October 18, 2009 11:25 PM

this is my fav ringtone now... this song is actually quite old already... gt chinese and canto, but as always, canto is my favourite :)

Byeee :D

Thursday, October 15, 2009 12:03 AM

looks like its a bit of a habit for me to post everytime i finish a heavy assignment...

but this time i wasnt so lucky to have gd classmates consisting of boys...

this time round, its gals, and yesh, the worst thing happen... 14 oct 2359 was the submission deadline, and the gals only send me their final parts on 13oct 2330...

1 day can do wad?

i was suppose to do recommendations and conclusion, so i have to rely heavily on their answers for their parts...
last time the boys gave me their parts like 4 days in advance!!!

so, the difference in working with boys and gals lies here...

anyway, all the heavy assignments have ended and im satisfied, abit i think...

i have beta and happier things to post... but i have no mood now coz my heart is pulsing so fast coz i have to type so many words in 2 hrs time...
i need my slp now.

Byeee :D

Monday, September 21, 2009 12:33 AM

occasionally listen to this mandarin edition on 93.3...

sounds extremely canton-ish so i went youtube to search...

and really! original cantonese one! by raymond lam somemore!!

gonna try learn to sing it soon~!

and did anyone knows that the nan ren ktv which is so famously sung by hu yan bin, is actually also a cantonese original sang by justin ce??

Byeee :D

Wednesday, September 16, 2009 9:41 PM


i feel like abandon the hse, abandon the parents, abandon the job, abandon the school.


i wan to go out to the third world to be a volunteer.
i wan to cook food and build hse and teach the poor kids languages.

silly eh.

dreams might be dreams.
in the end no matter how much u dream, u will still be drawn and pulled back to the reality world of hard cash and vanity.

its humanity.

i seen alot, hear alot, feel alot.
what matters most now, is that everything still seems fine and smooth enough.

and thats very much enough.

Byeee :D

Wednesday, August 26, 2009 11:33 PM

a quick post before i ended today, 260809...

so used to writing dates in this format due to work...

i just ended my group project with my classmates on msn...
and this is wad im gg and have to do for the next 3 years...
rushing home after work...
eat hastily...
wash plates not-so-cleanly...
bathe relaxingly-in-a-while...
hang clothes superly...
brush teeth...
and sit in front of laptop...

play games? do project lah.

so many projects...
one single module already 3 assignments... i still have 21 modules to complete yet!

not sian, feel pumped instead... adrenaline is rushing when im satisfied with the results and answers i got from hard studying...

i got good classmates too, boys are indispensable in studies and work... its their nature to treat gals just a-bit-specially... bcoz of their ego? lol...

i cant even talk or chat more than 5 mins with my BB per day...
and he started work too...
and i can only passed with a bun and a quick peck on the cheek...

thats what i can do only...
not much i can do...

sorry BB i neglected u...

and im gg to super love our 30th month-versary...
its 090909....

and now, im gg to feed myself pills, pills and pills...
dun worry, im nt plucking in panadols... lol...

Byeee :D

Sunday, August 02, 2009 10:43 PM

i discover that, to have frens, u need to socialise, ALOT.

and socialize = money.

so, no money no frens, no talk.

the same goes for school, no sch fees, kick u out.

the same goes for family, no money, complain here and there, either ask u give more, or ask u move out.

the same goes for dating, no money, cannot wear nice nice, cannot eat good good, rather dun go out.

i envy those who can say loudly in ppl's face: FRENS, FAMILY, LOVE AND WORK/STUDIES CAN CO-EXIST AND BALANCE WELL!

tsk, i used to think that i CAN too.
sadly, this is quite an impossible feat for a person like me.

this duty called work occupies 70% of my life, from the moment i step out to the moment i step into the area called 'home and bed', sometimes it can be 7pm, sometimes it can be 9pm, i tried 10pm before though.
and soon, internal stock take can go up to the midnights.

i can only see the person called 'boyfren' mostly on weekends, or some short evenings on weekdays for a quick meal, or nua at his home, he play his dragonica and i play my harvest moon. never forgetting, to nag him always 'find a full-time job quickly, go and learn driving asap.'

i feel tt his laziness is harming him, u gt a damn gd father to give u money for learning driving, yet u dun even wanna go for it, poor gal here have to pay for her own sch fees and take taxi home coz its always too late for bus.

BB, pls go and have a license.

i can only see the ppl called 'parents and brother' after work everyday, for 2 to 3 hrs, then its either their slp time or mine.

so where did the group called 'friends' gone to?

i think, this is just a natural process to most ppl out there that friends are meant to be made and then lost.

whats left in a person at the end of the day is never-ending work, not so much of money, naggy parents, lil bro, a few best frens (2 in fact) and then a satiable bf who is always there for me.

but, something is still missing, and i cant help but keep pondering.

this post, is just a reflection of my life till now.

i hope it can go all the way beta...

by the way, how do you define the beings called 'friends'?

Byeee :D

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 9:30 PM

this is just so great...

all my lessons in first semester, all at SP...

i hate hate hate that place, that ground, the air in it!


is this the forecoming bad omen...??? oh no..........

Byeee :D

Friday, July 10, 2009 11:47 PM

finally, i decided to update abit about recently...

i have much to say, my phuket trip, my new job, new workplace, new colleagues, new jobscope, and of coz my new school - university.

with my more than colorful results from poly, i really nv tot that i can go into any uni...
with choices like private schools like SIM Global, MDIS, APMI...
APMI in fact was my first choice then for they had a logistics degree (somewhat like a major only, not a pure logistics degree)..

alas, praised be to my researching skills (LOL!), i dug up the not-very-famous-but-soon-to-be SIM University, and good luck impending, they intro the 1st intake of Logistics and Supply Chain degree!

and somewhat i rmb, i was also the first batch of new students in my sec school then, and i still rmb vivdly life in sec sch was always CCA and study (F9 in Maths only though), and then i was still competitive and hardlong to learn, and even my pathetic F9 maths can become B3...

those are hard times spend studying and self-revision into late night and during O levels, i even woke up in 5am in the morning to revise 2 more hrs before gg to the exam hall...

O levels results was great then, i had 2 As and is a 12 pointer...

but somehow my 'ship' kind of turn over in the drain in the incoming poly days...

no frens, no kind teachers, no gd studies...
really give up then...
even had the bad events of 'throwing face' with my only fren in poly then...
but fate to be gd still, she's the only person to really accompany me through the horrible days in poly...
eating with me, finding me a seat in lecture hall....

thanks alot sherla, i really appreciate ur kindness that time, and even now...

Congratulations to Sherla and Tom, Happy Marriage and have a baby soon!!!

i discover i really nv put in effort for the 4 yrs in poly...
dragging feet to school is a disaster everyday...
i had only myself to blame for the poor results i got lar...

now im eager to go study what i finally found in life...
dunno how to explain, but Logistics and SCM is really my 'call'...

i already found back the competitiveness that i used to possess back in sec sch days...
ready to put in effort and aim well - NUS double masters in SCM.

tml is the day to collect materials - books and notes...
and BB's papa had agreed to help me sign for a new laptop~!
finally can play games with no lag le...


back to my phuket trip, i had some pictures to put up but im real real lazy, and no time to blog all those up...
however, the itinery was packed well...

so phuket trip updates will be postpone later lo...


right after i came back from phuket, the next day was an MC and next, my first day to work!
in Jurong Island!

initially i really wanted to step out of Jurong and Tuas and try working some OL-pretty worklife in town areas lar, but then, i still find myself more comfortable working with friendly experienced uncles and jiejie, wearing casual and jeans, and fetching a reasonable pay at the same time...

so i went to Jurong Island, and nonetheless, the pay is good for me... XD

everyday work goes like this --
1. wake up at 6.15am everyday and leave the house by 6.45am, meanwhile spend 10 mins to buy breakfast also
2. take train and took 7.15am transport at JE station
3. 7.30am reach Jurong Island Checkpoint, scan card and whatever luggage u have
4. 7.55am reached office, munched breakfast until work starts at 8am, but usually i munched until 8.30am lidat lol~
5. 12pm to 1pm is official lunchtime... everyday either walk to the nearest eatery or packed lunch
6. work until 5.45pm, take transport home, or work until 8pm most of time...
7. 6.30pm will reach JE again and take train home, step foot into my house happily by 7pm...

of coz most of the time, i can only step foot in my house at 9pm due to OT...

work is v fulfilling working there bcoz i had a fulfilling and learning jobscope lar... nv boring...

normally, in my previous co., i will start to take MCs liao, but today is my 1st month finishing and YES! no MCs taken yet!

my colleagues, most of them are from malaysian, and communication is through cantonese and hakka most of the time, really feel like at home...

my group of gals, made up of different departments, all join together to eat lunch and chat chat... me and one of the gals even plan to start a blogshop together again!

work is good, but always laikuan nv fails to see some improvements... lol~

esp, the lights in Jurong Island emitted from those chemical plants are so pretty at night... more pretty than those in bustling orchard or boat quay...


events these few weekends are:

1. outing with the guys to LAN and movie
2. 2nd outing with the guys + liting to movies, mind cafe, and supper as usual
3. gathering of BB's campmates at Jacob's hse
4. transformers and ice age 3

sidenote, the fallen die too fast liao la, optimus jitao overpower lor...
and ice age 3 storyline like no kick, ice age 2 is beta!

waiting for harry potter 6 next week...


last but not least, im tired. really. time to slp. how i LOVE weekends, days when i can slp more than 8 hrs. ciaos~!

Byeee :D

Thursday, June 18, 2009 10:49 PM

latest american's idol first runner up... or second in place...
adam sang the same piece with the champion kris allen... but i prefer adam's...


Byeee :D

Friday, June 05, 2009 11:47 PM

leaving for airport in 6 more hrs~!

miss u my BB... i will msg/call u dee... hehe~

elephant im coming~~~~~

Byeee :D

Tuesday, June 02, 2009 12:23 AM

various updates but no dates to indicate coz i cant rmb the dates well....

1. outing with the guys and BB last last weekend

ppl attending this time are: mr lee, mr ting, leongyee, ray, BB and me

as usual, chicken rice as dinner at Paradiz Centre followed by 2 hours of gaming at one of the LAN shop. Movie: Night At The Museum at our favourite cinema The Cathay. followed by my classic after-movie supper at Bukit Timah's roti prata shop.

then their usual late nite mahjong at BB's hse, without me bcoz i got curfews liao... :(

2. Quitted my job at previous company on 15th May

yea, i quitted them... lol...
all bcoz of some freak-seniors comments and the inability of my manager...
to ppl out there, dun ever work for a local company if u can, those ppl there love to play ranks...
and i lost to this battle of ranks bcoz i being criticised on a personal level in terms of my face and dressing, no link to my performance at all...
totally cant accept, and my mentality hasnt been balanced after that...
mama's encouragement and my own perspective, threw in the letter on a tuesday morning, and leave that company on the dot at 4.30pm, no OT of coz....

but, i do miss my colleagues Mei Ling and Kai Yin in there... :)

3. Found a better job on 28th May

less than 2 weeks, i found one.
initially wanted to find one in town, but instead got one that is even deeper inside Jurong... Jurong Island this time... -.-
funny thing for this job is that i need to pass a mini custom everytime i go in and out of the island... and no photography allowed. lol~

bad views on this job:
i need to wake up earlier than before... and the pick up transport is only available at jurong east... so i have to spend additional mrt fare to work liao...

good things are:
dressing is casual, meaning i can wear jeans and tee-shirt and sneakers, woohoo~
no skirts allowed, esp mini-skirts, hahaha!
i can choose to OT until wadever time i like, and after 9pm can book taxi home, totally claimable!
my salary is the same as with the previos company, but with some weird weird bonus or allowance to add in this time!
best, its five-day work week only XD

to add in, this time im working in a renowned Belgium logistic firm, just so nice to complement with my studies.

4. BB bought us a Wii


good price from Tingsin, paid $380 for a local set with 2 yr-warranty, and 2 pair of remote+nunchuck. just that the place to collect is so ulu until cannot.

playing rune factory frontier currently :)

5. Received enrolment package from my school

and yea, time to pay outstanding sch fees as well...
feel extremely heart-pain, as those monies i saved up during my 3 months of work at previous co. is all gone le...
have to start all over again in my money-saving regime.
are able to exempt 2 business modules, but darn sad bcoz these 2 modules do not include statistics...
totally KNS until cannot.
and luckily, able to waive away one module with a waiver exam on 18th July...
lessons will be every Thursday starting on 28th July for the first semester...

relax for first sem to get used to study life again, after that the remaining sems will be more tedious le...

6. Phuket trip 6th ~ 9th June

will be leaving on saturday morning and returning on tuesday, then wednesday start working again...

updates for Phuket will be after i return...

itinery for first day is out, credits to Lee Choo aunty XD

Touch down at Phuket International Airport --> Pearl Farm --> Pornthip Souvenir --> Central Festival Shopping Centre --> Thai Silk --> Wat Chalong Temple --> Big Buddha --> View Point --> Phormthep Cape --> Checkin at Hotel

staying at a resort at Kata Beach, one of the ulu ones in Phuket but i will love in... coz past experience from aunty is that she stayed at a busy and lively one is that even when its time for slp, u can still hear the partying noises...

i wun wan that certainly...

7. Dragonica

this new game we all will be playing~!

thats all folks~ till next time :)

Byeee :D

Thursday, May 28, 2009 1:16 AM

favorite song at the moment...

yui made a comeback in fullmetal alchemist opening~

-removed due to video being licensed liao cannot play le-

nice song ever by her...

failed to find a plain PV with no lyrics etc... coz the pv just gotta licensed by SONY :)

Byeee :D

Monday, May 11, 2009 12:35 AM


so there goes my painstakingly saved monies for months...
forbidding myself to spend, forbidding myself to eat, forbidding myself to go out.

all went to:
1. unisim
2. teeth

yea, stupid two front teeth act up again..
this time, i have to tear my heart apart by going for the super-expensive and duper-pain root canal...

400 for both teeth. monies flew away in 1 hr.

(before that, increase allowance to mama for this mth, when my pay remains unchanged yet -.-)

400 nvm, i still can more or less afford la... wad i cant stand, is the f-u-c-k until cannot f-u-c-k de PAIN.

this is wad root canal goes...
apparently, my tooth front teeth has broken down until crowning has to be done.
it has corroded and decayed so much that only half of both teeth is left...
dunno why, other teeth so damn strong, only the front teeth sucks.
so, in order to do crowning, must do root canal first...
root canal is whereby the dentist will drill 2 holes behind the back of ur teeth then use needle and thongs and pincers to pick out the teeth nerve in ur teeth.
of course, there is anesthetic la...
but wad hurts is when the anesthetics effect has resided.

i have suffered 4 insufferable pain until today.
and still it goes on to tml, the day after, and after and goes on.

apparently again, the poor blood vessel and wadever in me, my weak body constitution, has caused my blood veins to suffer from inflammation and infection.
my whole left cheek is swollen and expanded more than 1 inches, in which u can see stretch marks on the dimple areas.
the left nose wing area has pop out, and when u feel it, there's like a tumor in it...

of course, i did think before it might be a tumour, i have nose or mouth cancer.


but then, the doctor that i see doctor tells me not to worry first, give me 3 different types of antibiotics and lots of painkillers WHICH DUN EVER WORKS AT ALL, to try see if the swelling and pain will subside.

lets see, its day 1 today, and it still pain like hell.

and the doctor fees this time is 54 dollar... KNN.

with my mouth swelling lidat, 2 days of MC, not good at all...
the bosses not happy might sack me.

and i wun go out. NEVER. with my face lidat.


last friday went to malaysian embassy to renounce my malaysian status so that i can be singapore citizen officially..
and tell ya guys, before u can become a full-fledged singaporeans, u will be stepped down by those officers in the malaysian embassies and kena insulted like pigs...
first, their service sucks.
second, their so-called procedures just made u suffer by making u just go and take a form home to fill in then go back again just to submit then go back again to collect a single piece of receipt that you are not a malaysian , these simple until cannot simple procedures, they made me complete it in 3 fucking mths.

i wonder why its so hard to become a full-fledged singaporean.
why cant the singapore side just help us to settle everything, instead of settle ourself and still kena insulted by those neh neh ppl.

im born in singapore, i speak chinese and english, not malay.
other than a bit of dialect accent still remains in my spoken language, i feel and look no different than being a singaporean at all..
i contribute to cpf, i pay GST and income tax, i even intended to buy houses in singapore soon...
im willing to take the pledge and oath.. but im not willing to get insulted by those neh neh from the malaysian side at all...

look at their attitude and their working behaviours, im feel so happy that i am not a malaysian soon in 10 more days.
those ppl working at the embassy, pls feel ashamed that u have given a bad example to the world to see.. shame on you.

i feel so frustrated, i really wan to write a letter to straits times forum and criticised their working attitude, sucks to the core.


its mother day today!
i get nth for mama, coz she said she needs nth, so i saved up my vouchers and bought rolls royce for myself to eat lo.... hahaha~

simple treat of dinner at RCC, thanks to leechoo aunty...

happy mama day to u too XD

still kind of force myself to eat happily despite my hurting pig face, but i really like the crab-egg prawns and fried codfish, yum~!


shocking news to hear after all these days, BB's cousin who is one yr younger than us, is getting married this mth!

kind of shock bcoz the date too fast le...
and now we like abit stress bcoz the ppl ard us are all getting married one by one, despite we being par-tor longer than them... lol...

and now BB is calculating real hard on our finances, we still had a long way to go afterall~

and and and, last but not least, hope BB's daddy will finance our 'proposal'... lol~

byebye, it might be a long long moments later before i write here again.... so damn busy, hope they just sack me.


Byeee :D

Saturday, May 02, 2009 11:39 PM

my face is gonna ROT soon.

my pretty, smooth, undull skin for years, have turn into swollen, blemished, scarred, clogged pores, dull, pimplished skin in just 3 months of work.

yes, freaking 3 months of work in tuas.
those dirty air.
those dirt-ridden tables and chairs.
those piling stress.
those minimal rest and slp.

have turn me in a ugly freak monster.

help me, i wanna dieeeeeeeeeeeee.

Byeee :D

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 9:02 PM

busy like siao!

something is horribly wrong with the 'terms and conditions' that i signed for the company...
thus feeling so screwed up over the weeks...

enuf of work, anticipating coming company chalet and my loots from taiwan spree!

AND, phuket trip might have to postponed due to asean summit being held at phuket itself (imagine it being an ideal place for bombing suddenly) and also the current piggy-flu fever...

i hate the imagine if they had to slaughter all the piggies if the condition worsen...
and pork meat is my favourite among all meat...
i will go nua without pork for weeks!

due to being so so so busy...
lots of anime and drama to catch up...

first up, Cinderella Man casted by 权哥哥...
yea, ah fen's favourite!

then my full range of newly introduced anime...
esp fullmetal...
blah blah...

off to see 权哥哥 liao!

Byeee :D

Friday, April 10, 2009 5:22 PM

i love spreessss~

sprees are the best when economy is down or when u think that local style are not ur cup of tea...
thats why i dubbed and bought alot of taiwan sprees, buying myself or buying from others...

buying from others when i bought little items, like bags and shoes...
buying alot, is when im in love with those new tops and blouses from taiwan fashion, and i will send my enquiries direct to the taiwan suppliers...

anyways, my items of bags from PG mall arrived!
and soon after it arrived, i placed another order to PG mall again!

talking about buying addict when economy is no gd...
but they are such cheap, affordable and pretty buys!

then i placed another order to etrue shop, waiting for them to send over now :)

and now, open to myself and all..

im gonna open this spree... JJS shop.

JJS spree~

dunno how to make it clickable, so copy and paste the link to see, ya?

this spree is confirm, as i will be placing more than 10 items myself, and the quota is reached easily liao... therefore, frens who wanted to join in too... tagged me! i will get u back :)

spend too much on clothes, end up staying and eating at home to save money! hahaha~

Byeee :D

Monday, April 06, 2009 12:01 AM

my everyday life for last few weeks...

binge on fries and nuggets...

muscle-relax pills from doctor...

left 4 dead and dota and maple with BB and his frens...

always -.-

lots of new job...

borrowed a series of books from the san bookshop located at jp...
the Godspeakers Trilogy - Empress, The Riven Kingdom and Hammer of God, written by Karen Miller...
so far as a v gd and enjoying read... focusing on adventure, fantasy and warring... my favourite genre... haha...

been so far since i took up novels and read day and nite.. hoho~

also download lots of new ds game since the console has been thrown aside when i started gaming PC with BB...
new games like:
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Times
Burger Island
Avalon Code
Cate West The Mystery Files

itching to upgrade my ds to DSi!!!
but meanwhile my current ds will stay good first...

i wan eat mangoesssssss....

Byeee :D

Thursday, March 26, 2009 9:45 PM

do u know?

there will be a concert specially for final fantasy series ost in singapore arts fest this yr...
asian premiere somemore...

and all the tickets kena sold!


3 performances and all sold!!!!!!


not one single ticket left.... not for me....
and somemore...
nobuo uematsu is attending the concert and giving a talk somemore!

really wan to bang my head against the wall la....

aiyo.... i wanna cry!!!!!

Byeee :D

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 11:11 PM

family is leaving to china in the dawn and here i am now, in BB's hse!
hoho~ his comfy bed is all mine~ coz he's in camp! wahahaha~

and BB will be back on friday to accompany me... muackssss...

will be staying here for exact one week, and one whole week im free of all tiring housework chores...

i think tt i myself has really been v gd...
i earn my own...
i dun take a single penny from parents...
even sch fees also have to squeeze myself...
and even do housework like wash all the dishes and wash and hang and fold all the clothes in the family...
even after tiring work...
ppl might wish, even i sometimes wish, that im a pampered gal nv have to do all these things...
but deep down i noe that im not such a 'rice bucket' and be a free loader at home...
so even so i have to do a bit...

but one week away from chores makes me real happy!

met with a case today where a fren of mama's go and buy a house from a agent...
and days later his family start getting calls from loan shark to pay money back of abt 20 grands...
that fren passed his IC to his agent to photocopy for housing procedures and we all noe tt...
but to make such a big blunder of the agent, we encourage him to go and find the agent tml to fish out the trouble-maker...

so ppl, beware! dun anyone trust ppl with ur particulars... ur hse might be splashed or ur line will be bombarded!

tml's jia ni birthday treat and my wallet's gg be a big hole in it!


p.s. thanks taima for ur v gd technical help!

Byeee :D

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 10:52 PM

not a extreme dog-lover... but he make my eyes teary...
he's name is 儿子.. cute rite? XD

anyway its a mazda commercial only shown in japan and taiwan... lol...

Byeee :D

Monday, March 16, 2009 8:51 PM

im so freaking sian of all the forced-OTs everyday...
u cant just leave on the dot...
u need to 'apply' for it from the senioe before work start...
and sometimes still nag u 'dun everyday off-work early ar...'

u noe that ur specified tasks is more than finished...
and if u dare dare tell the senior that u r going off early coz nth more to do...
u r just asking for early demise...

she will give u TONS of other stuffs and u can jolly well kiss-goddbye to one mth's of early off...

even thoughs...
leave is easy to apply la...

life's back to DOTA again...
maple stopped... lolz...

im still training from a noobie.... again!

Byeee :D

Tuesday, March 10, 2009 5:14 PM

sorry ppl!
decided to cancel tokyo mayuki spree now bcoz.....
taiwan dollar is going to plunge in april and by then then buy will be more cheaper... lol~

and btw, im finally gg to my first overseas trip!
with families of coz... to phuket's infamous kata beach!

going to stay in kata palm resort though...

stay is totally free while airfare is gg to be 200 bucks... might have to pay myself considering mama keep mumble she no money... lol~

i will be spending bucks there too~ to eat and to play!

i wan to try kayaking with my brother, and simple snorkeling too! haha~
since it will be a 4d3n stay, a adventure hike and lazing at the pool bar will be great too~

BB wun be gg with us since he dun wan to go... so we will be able to go elsewhere further with him next time... hehe~

dinner with yufen tml, like so long lidat...

Byeee :D

Monday, March 09, 2009 1:31 PM

ever have those days that u feel like taking few days leave to just lie low at home and play winter bear?
i just do.
not lazy but just to have a momentarily escape from heavy work load...
no need to feel time is either too short or too long...
no need to always rush those FW for their work and reports...
(FW = foreign workers)



9th march 2007, we were tgt...
9th march 2009, we are still loving each other and more...
9th march 2010, still dunno by then married anot, but at least planning to do so...

lol, we still have long days of career-building, chionging-studies and lovenest-scouting waiting for us...

still love ya and it will be increasing more and more... muacks!

though this yr we nv celebrate la... not even ytd...
but celebration is not impt for the day itself, but the days to come...
anyway BB seems to get off from his stingy mind, and started to ask if i wan go where etc...

and he also asked thrice if he dun go holidays with me, i will dun wan him anot...
LOL, my really very silly boy....

anyway peeps, check out zuji.com for their reverse auctions perks... u might just grab the right thing like hotels and airfares for ur impending trips!

and mama, who is leaving to china for her holidays-cum-work at the end of march, keep mumbles and mumbles that she is so worried abt leaving brother and me at home... maybe she think that i will not feed him and leave him hungry for days?
then i scolded her since so worry dun go la, money also paid liao cannot refund still say so much for wad...
fyi, im 22 this yr and my brother is 16 also...
not 12 and 6 okay...

but, she gt this really lavish gift from her customer...
a PINK PRADA sling!
can imagine it cause a bomb, esp the material is anti-wet...

lucky ma, at her age, her daughter and son still cannot afford to give her nice and expensive gifts... lucky she got her arrays of customers and frens to dote her lo...

lastly for this update,

im holding tokyo mayuki spree! click on the link at my left side blog... orders start from today to saturday... no capping... shipping shared...
btw, thursday they will have new stocks too!

Byeee :D

Wednesday, March 04, 2009 8:56 PM

im introduced and owned a coach carryall on my 21st birthday...
and yea, i think the branded-goods cells and love-coach-oh-so-glamour genes acted up...

for coach lovers like me but think that the boutiques are selling way too EX...

check out this webby, is intro by May, my collegaue :)


im gonna order one after paying up all my sch fees XD

toking abt sch fees...
im starting sch in July! woohoo~

toking abt sch...
everyone might be well aware of the stabbing incident at ntu...
somehow i could feel how the student felt...
extreme study and peer pressure welled up...
i could understand that he stabbed the professor, but i cant accept that he chose death in the end...

ppl, dun assume that everything on earth is going smoothly as u think it is...
i was once in his path...
i used to be a top and smart student...
but declines in studies and isolation from the rest do happen to ppl like me too...
im under extreme pressure before, i almost caught depression...
but the 'wake-up-and-get-a-new-life' cells in me appear...
and now i gt a stress but wonderful gd-paying job...
a gd degree course in the way to me...
a healthy lifestyle and workout 4 times a week...
gd meals, gd slps...
and my BB is still staying with me by my side, and this is the most fortunate thing that ever happen to me, is to have him...

but the boy, he is alone, even when he passed away.

met up with pauline to have dinner on friday...
she treated me to delicious waraku pasta as post-birthday treats... lol...
talk and talk, and i bought the latest album of mika nakashima's VOICE album...

wanted to buy uverworld's AWAKE EVE.
but hmv selling way to siao... freaking 70+ for japan version...
no taiwan version as yet... ZZZ...

their new album is so niceeeeee...
unlike PROLUGTION...
this album is really awake lor... like when uverworld first album, as gd as that time...

then on sunday, wedding dinner of xiaoqi jiejie...
xiaowei jiejie, weizhong kor and xiaoqi jiejie is just like my elder sisters and brother... they see me grow ever since im 5 years old...
still kept pictures of them... and yea our facial features didnt change that much... lol...

but they really gt great genes from yuhua mama, they are so pretty and handsome looking can...

xiaowei had a boutique selling pretty kiddy clothes, weizhong kor finished his english and HK bar exam and is on his way to become a barrister, xiaoqi jie got a rich husband too...

and this god-family of mine used to suffer alot too...
shine after rain...
and everybody is living happily~!

gotten a pair of silver chopsticks as wedding favours XD

then had my first lesson on jazz ytd...
its damn tough okay...
but i will hold on and i swear to dance the steps in 3 mths...
then my first aerobics was like a busy bee...
cannot keep up with the moves lo...
and the instructor jump like a kangaroo so fast... zzz...
then my yoga class...
my hands shake like crazy when doing the table-top and mountain pose...
but all these classes i will continue going the lar...

including the slimming belt that mama's client gave her...
and the workout and running im undergoing now... lose 10kg in 3mths!!

work is hell...
u tot i uni grad noe so many things ar?!

Byeee :D

Thursday, February 26, 2009 10:28 PM

in my third week of work, i got another project handed to me and to-date...
its 3 in total...


anyways, lots of gd news!

first, i gt a interview from unisim!
normally interview could mean possible admission liao coz only shortlisted ones are allowed interviews...


second, d. gray man manga is coming back (as the author's injuries had recovered) and await this...

ED AND AL ARE COMING BACK after so many donkey years!

and i mean a new series of fullmetal alchemist of coz~
its not a sequel nor prequel, but an entirely new adaptation within the manga storyline this time...
as all who has watched the previous award-winning one noes that it ended differently from the manga storyline...
expect it to air and subbed in april~

and since d.gray man is continue drawing, we can wait for its season 2 as well XD

gd news 3!
im getting a Wii or Xbox soon!
maybe may or june though...
coz dunno which to buy yet...

for Xbox...

this is the game that i die die must play... star ocean 4: the last hope
the final instalment and also the prequel to the star ocean series...
and currently i have played SO 1 and SO 3 and still playing SO 2...

for Wii...

final fantasy crystal chronicles: my life as a king and harvest moon on Wii is my must-plays!
after that can try legend of zelda and tales of symphonia 2...
and maybe some gym-exercising and singing games as well... XD

my gaming and anime-watching cells are acting up again!

and oh boy i hate hollywood for ruining dragonball can... zzz...
and im going to watch regardless, to see how hollywood wasted so much money making a crap piece... kns!

Byeee :D

Sunday, February 22, 2009 9:06 PM

the first bouquet that BB gave me on valentine's...

wasn't that surprised bcoz he accidentally leaked out the surprise before me... lol...

but i love his thoughts...

muacks muacks!


Byeee :D

Thursday, February 19, 2009 10:41 PM

i realise...
24 hours is just not enuff for me to do 100% well in my work, not enuff time to watch tv lazily, not enuff time to eat heartily and not enuff to slp peacefully...

fav song of the moment, and sort of tells my inner heart:

20 Dollar Nose Bleed
Fall Out Boy

Have you ever wanted to disappear?
And join a monastery
Go out and preach young addicts straight
Where will I be when I wake up next to a stranger
On a passenger plane, passenger plane

Permanent jet lag
Please take me back, please take me back
I'm a stray dog sick
Please let me in, please let me in
When life keeps tripping
Singing vows before we exchange smoke rings

Give me a pen
Call me Mr Benzedrine
But don't let the doctor in
I wanna blow off steam and
Call me Mr Benzedrine (Mr Benzedrine)
And don't let the doctor, don't let the doctor in

It feels like 14 carats but no clarity
When I look at the man who would be king
The man who would be king goes to the
desert to sing war his dad rehearsed
came back with flags on coffins and said
we won, oh, we won

Permanent jet lag
Please take me back, please take me back
I'm a stray dog sick
Please let me in (Please let me in)
When life keeps tripping
Singing vows before we exchange smoke rings

Give me a pen
Call me Mr Benzedrine
But don't let the doctor in
I wanna blow off steam and
Call me Mr Benzedrine (Mr Benzedrine)
[ 20 Dollar Nose Bleed lyrics from http://www.lyricsyoulove.com/ ]
And don't let the doctor, don't let the doctor in

My, my, my Benzedrine
My B-b-b-b-Benzedrine now
My, my, my Benzedrine
My B-b-b-b-Benzedrine now

Only wonderful feeling that is the rest of the proof
is on the television, on the

Call me Mr Benzedrine
But don't let the doctor in
I wanna blow off steam and
Call me Mr Benzedrine (Mr Benzedrine)
And don't let the doctor, don't let the doctor in

Have you ever wanted to disappear?

It's not me, it's you
Actually, it's the taxidermy of you and me
Untie the balloons around my neck and around me
I'm just a racehorse on the track
Send me back to the glue factory
Always thought I'd float away
And never come back
But I've got enough miles on my card
To fly the boys home on my own
But you know me: I like being all alone
And keeping you all alone
The charts are boring
Your kids are snoring
You say you're not listening and I said I'm wishing..
20 Dollar Nose Bleed (Fall Out Boy)

the last part of talking quite redundant tho...
nice catchy song!
next fav, i dun care from fall out boy too!

i dun care what u think as long as it's about me

Byeee :D

Wednesday, February 18, 2009 9:07 PM

current mood: pissed and stressed
current dumping: money and friends
current finding: confidence and happiness


finally had a early day at home today... reached home at 8...
after rushing all the way from work to SIM uni...
fili-fala registered and paid monies...
nearly cannot apply coz not enuf money and i digged out every penny i had...
finally applied!
simple dinner with jia ni at SIM then she go and rush her lecture...
while i had to cabbed home coz im damn tired...

hope to hear news from them soon... as the lady-in-charge told me since i apply so early... i might get to interview and accept the offer one mth earlier than ppl who are later than me...

i have not been slping for more than 6 hrs ever since job started last week...
plus being sick and mood swing isnt making things better for me...

work is sort of F...
coz i have no idea of wad i really doing now and everybody is also busy rushing their own projects, i dun really get a full detailed brief on wad im supposed to do...
and i used my own ability of 'find it myself' again, just like a charmander's ability is to spit fire... same.
although abit F, but still overall, this job is really P!
paywise, location wise, relationship wise, leave wise, everything is P!
only bad thing might be i wun be able to have an rise in job title as its a family-owned company and of coz they only promote their own family members de lo...

ytd, dear ah ma left for new zealand to study le...
will be back 9 mths later though...
rushed again to airport with taima and qx after work...
ate popeyes... real yummy... i think i tried it 1st time...
after photo-takings, ah ma left le...
v touched when i see his papa give him a good bye kiss...
could actually feel abit tears in the eye but nv flow out... lol...

see ya again ah ma!
good luck in ur first class honours and dun return halfway ar!

Byeee :D


Lijun. Laikuan. 20+ years old. Attached to Sherman BB. Presently studying and slacking.



My Possessions

Nintendo DS Lite. Anna Sui Wish. Kanebo Eye Glitter. Nokia 6280. Nine West shoes. Coach Carryall. LG KF350 Pink Ice Cream Phone. Coastal Scents 88-Color Palette.


Holidays around the world. Backpacking. Tiffany/Cartier Ring. Playstation 3. Final Fantasy 13. Kingdom Hearts 3. ROM 2009/2010. and lots of Clothes, Shoes, Bags and Moolahs~.


ShermAn BB
Cakee Mummy

Sprees in Progress

Puffy Spree
no items yet!

Tokyo Mayuki Spree
No items yet!!


click on the below for freebies!